The two strong organisations of the German composites industry, AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V. and Composites United, want to strengthen the German composites industry and research with the Composites Germany trade association, determine joint positions and safeguard overarching interests.
As associated partner, the VDMA working group Hybrid Lightweight Technologies, support the goals of Composites Germany and join forces to advance the future topics of high-performance composites and automated production technologies in and for Germany.
>> Position paper of the Strategy Advisory Board of the Lightweight Construction Initiative <<
Click here for the position paper (german)
>> Composites industry calls for resumption of the BMWK's Lightweight Construction Technology Transfer Program (TTP LB) <<
You can find the press release here (german)
The future is lightweight construction (Imagevideo from the BMWK)
September 12th 2024
>> Results of the 23rd Composites Market Survey now available <<
05. September 2024
>> Appeal for further promotion of innovation and climate protection through lightweight construction <<
find the current document here (german)
February 20th 2024
>> Results of the 22nd Composites Market Survey now available!
Reaction to new framework conditions: Composites United declares membership in Composites Germany
Society and the economy are facing existential challenges. In addition to the consequences of climate change, these include the realisation that energy and many resources are no longer available in the usual quantities, so that their efficiency must be significantly increased in the short term. Lightweight construction, especially with fibre composite materials, can and will make an important contribution here, e.g. in wind power plants or hydrogen storage systems. As an umbrella organisation, Composites Germany represents the capabilities and interests of the German fibre composite industry. With the re-entry of Composites United, Composites Germany will combine the forces of the two leading composites networks in Germany and its position will be significantly strengthened. Changed framework conditions make the re-entry possible and necessary.
Please read here more
29th November 2022
Current figures on the composites market are available in the Composites Market Report 2022 by AVK.
>> Positions about the industry-political lightweight construction dialogue: Germany must become a leading supplier - Link to the paper
Standardization is currently one of the key focuses of the work of Composites Germany. By coordinating the activities of its member organizations, Composites Germany generates greater power for promoting and achieving the objectives of the industry. To increase the transparency of the standards relevant to the composites industry, Composites Germany has commissioned the German standards organization DIN to create a "standardization portal". In partnership with DIN, this website provides information on national, European and international standards for fibre reinforced plastics that have been published or are under development. This new and unique source of information for the composites market supports the existing standardization conducted by Composites Germany and can be found now here: Standardization portal composites