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The VDMA (German engineering federation) represents over 3,200 top ranked medium-sized member companies from the engineering industry with a turnover of 232.5 billion Euros (2018) and 1,065,000 employees (2018).


With the formation of the Working Group Hybrid Lightweight Technologies the VDMA is engaging with a promising field of technology. Multi-material design sees materials increasingly being combined in lightweight applications. The more than 200 VDMA member firms in the Composite Technology Forum will therefore in future also concern themselves with composite-metal bonding. With that in view, the forum is being replaced by the Working Group. The aim of the Working Group is to match the VDMA’s existing machinery manufacturing skills in lightweight construction, which are not confined to any particular material, with the needs of customer industries. In future, user and supplier industries and research institutes active in the field will therefore also take part in this important exchange.