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Lightweight construction enables material- and energy-efficient production processes, secures millions of jobs and significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Despite these benefits, funding programs have been stopped due to budget cuts. The Strategy Advisory Board therefore calls for the continuation of funding for technology transfer in lightweight construction in order to exploit economic, ecological and technological potential.

AVK/Composites Germany is represented on the initiative's advisory board by Dr. Elmar Witten, Managing Director of AVK.

You can download the position paper of the strategy advisory board here (german).

Against the current backdrop of funds that have become available from other sources in the federal budget, the German composites industry is appealing to politicians to once again support the TTP LB and its funding to the planned extent! The program must also be revived, especially for medium-sized companies and start-ups, to ensure their competitiveness and thus to secure and create future-proof jobs in order to ultimately contribute to maintaining prosperity in Germany.

You can find the full press release here (german).

Composites Germany - Results of the 23rd Composites Market Survey are available 

  • Critical assessment of the current business situation
  • Future expectations deteriorate
  • Investment climate remains subdued
  • Expectations for application industries vary
  • Growth drivers with little movement
  • Composites index points downwards

For the 23rd time, Composites Germany ( has collected current key figures on the market for fiber-reinforced plastics. All member companies of the supporting associations of Composites Germany: AVK and Composites United as well as the associated partner VDMA were surveyed.

In order to ensure that the different surveys can be compared without any problems, no fundamental changes were made to the survey this half-year. Once again, mainly qualitative data was collected in relation to current and future market developments.

Read here the full press-release.