Composites Germany, the trade association founded in 2013, has replaced the AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e.V. (Federation of Reinforced Plastics) as a member of the EuCIA (European Composites Industry Association).
Through its membership of the EuCIA, Composites Germany will be able to represent the interests of the German composites industry even more broadly at the European level. Importantly, it also provides European representation for German companies operating in the area of high performance composites/CRP via the EuCIA.
Dr. Elmar Witten, Managing Director of the AVK and Spokesman for the Management of Composites Germany will retain his position on the board of the EuCIA. Composites Germany was founded by four major organisations in the German fibre reinforced composites industry:AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e.V. (Federation of Reinforced Plastics), Carbon Composites e. V. (CCeV), CFK-Valley Stade e. V. (CFK-Valley) and Forum Composite Technology in the VDMA (VDMA). With a total of over 750 member companies in these four organisations, Composites Germany is the largest national association under the European umbrella of the EuCIA.
The EuCIA is the umbrella association of the European composites industry representing the national composites associations and their member companies in Europe.