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Nearly 250 delegates were welcomed to the 2nd International Composites Congress at the Congress Center Düsseldorf (CCD) from 28 to 29 November 2016. Guests came from over 20 countries, so that the level of internationalism was extremely high, reflecting the enormous interest in the motto of the convention, “How Can Composites Become a Key Industry?”.
The programme of the convention included topics such as process technology, material developments, new composite applications, e.g. in architecture, as well as lifecycle analysis and recycling.

This year’s partner country was Japan, and the list of exclusive Japanese guest speakers included Prof. Takashi Ishikawa from the National Composites Center Japan, who gave the keynote talk with a comprehensive overview of developments in Japan’s composites technology and its market prospects. In this industry Japan is particularly well-known for its pioneering achievements in carbon fibre.

As in previous years, the Innovation Award of the German Federation of Reinforced Plastics (AVK) was presented at the end of the first day, followed by the Composites Night together with the COMPOSITES EUROPE exhibitors. Both occasions provided an excellent platform for communication in a very pleasant atmosphere.

The convention finished with a keynote talk on the “Lightweight Construction Strategy Day” (29 November), attended, among others, by Iris Gleicke, Parliamentary State Secretary at the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Mr. Michael Effing, PhD, Chairman of Composites Germany, Hinrich Mählmann, PhD (Engineering), President of the Association of the German Aluminium Industry (GDA), and several further representatives of industry.

As before, the International Composites Congress acted as the kick-off event for the COMPOSITES EUROPE trade fair which took place from 29 November to 1 December 2016, coinciding with the ALUMINIUM trade fair.

The next International Composite Congress will be held in Stuttgart from 18 to 19 September 2017.

Press contact: Composites Germany, Elmar Witten, PhD, Management Spokesman

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