This is the fifteenth time that Composites Germany ( has identified the latest KPIs for the fibre-reinforced plastics market. The survey covered all the member companies of the three major umbrella organisations of Composites Germany: AVK, Leichtbau Baden-Württemberg and the VDMA Working Group on Hybrid Lightweight Construction Technologies.
As before, to ensure a smooth comparison with the previous surveys, the questions in this half-yearly survey have been left unchanged. Once again, the data obtained in the survey was largely qualitative and related to current and future market developments.
On 1 June the trade association Composites Germany expanded its network as it was joined by the lightweight construction company Leichtbau Baden-Württemberg (Leichtbau BW). “It really is a natural fit. Lightweight construction is a game changing technology that will continue to gain in significance, while taking into account the current focus on climate protection. It perfectly supplements the portfolio of Composites Germany, creating sustainable synergies for the existing partners and their members. We look forward to working with the association, and we are confident that it will bear fruit – locally, nationally and internationally,” says the Managing Director of Leichtbau BW, Dr. Wolfgang Seeliger.
In the future, Composites Germany will focus not only on meeting the interests of manufacturers and processors of composite components, but also on the interaction with other materials in hybrid lightweight construction applications.
Participation in Composites for Europe
Marc Kirchhoff, Chairman of the VDMA Working Group on Hybrid Lightweight Construction Technologies, comments on the forthcoming trade show Composites for Europe: “As in previous years, Composites Germany will have its own pavilion at Composites for Europe in Stuttgart, from 10 to 12 November, and will be organising the Innovation Forums in the exhibition halls.” High-calibre speakers will be reporting on innovations and new applications in the areas of transport, construction & infrastructure, sports & leisure and the circular economy. Furthermore, the presentations will include the Technology Camp on Innovations in Lightweight Construction, organised by Leichtbau BW.
A powerful network in Germany and Europe
“Composites Germany is pleased to welcome Leichtbau BW as a new member, so that we can benefit from its support. We represent the German composites industry in Europe through active membership in the European umbrella organisation EuCIA, where we are the largest national network,” says Dr. Michael Effing, Chairman of the Federation of Reinforced Plastics (AVK) and of Composites Germany. Composites Germany also had a major hand in developing the EuCIA Lifecycle Assessment Tool, which is free for all processors and enables them to assess the environmental impact of component manufacturing. One focal area at the moment is producing recycling policies and solutions for European composites manufacturers.
Composites Germany is closely involved in the committees of the Lightweight Construction Initiative, set up by the German Federal Ministry of Economics, as well as in the industrial advisory board and the strategy group for the regional organisations.
This is the fourteenth time that Composites Germany ( has identified the latest KPIs for the fibre-reinforced plastics market. The survey covered all the member companies of the three major umbrella organisations of Composites Germany: AVK, Composites United and the VDMA Working Group on Hybrid Lightweight Construction Technologies.
As before, to ensure a smooth comparison with the previous surveys, the questions in this half-yearly survey have been left unchanged. Once again, the data obtained in the survey was largely qualitative and related to current and future market developments.